Prismed Prisons. A poem about a wife visiting her husband in prison.
She walks down cold, silent paths
Down corridors of steel
Through shackled prison walls
Houses husband to reveal.
Steps soft pace drear distance
Between spouse and spouse
Visiting today from separate lives
Each in a divided house.
His gnarled fingers worn by tests of time
Clasped in tough confusion
Cradles jaws tensed, stern
Views hard bred in seclusion.
“Be not bitter,” she tells her husband
In depression do not dwell
Remember us, your family
Live out your self-made hell.
Your children, poor and lonely
Miss close, warm family ties
Become prisoners real in walls
Unseen to agonize.
Think not that wide walls of freedom
Stand close to imprisoned few
Beyond gray bars, inside steel walls
Outside is a prison too.
– imelda dickinson

This poem is about a woman I saw, who was walking to meet her husband in a prison.
A Carpenter’s carpenter
A Carpenter’s carpenter
Hearts hurt this mourning, echoes quiet grief
For a husband-father slipped beyond autumn’s leaf
Into winter’s winds so harsh, who can bear the pains?
Yesterday his nearness felt today only his remains.
Remember love like it was, unbroken circles knew
Life’s smoothness for time as it was, he and you
Recall family’s happiness given each a measure
A Carpenter of Scripture cradles a carpenter your treasure.
Poem written October 1986
For my friend June and her family in the loss of their grown son
A Memorial of Kathleen Dickinson
Earth has music to those who will listen
Magic sounds make musical memories
Sounds of a Sister vault into family vision
Captures her warmth in late Summer’s breeze
Kathleen waves to America’s flag flying
Church bells paced deliberate a funeral procession wide
A simple coffin wraps a nun In music muffed inside
Prepared prayer seeks a pardon, free clearance at Heaven’s gate
One day I left home of my doghood, taken to a woods real from my dreams
By a person not my mistress, having a cat falling apart at her seams!
I sniffed for a long time for familiar odors of family beloved taken from me
Soon I lay on a new blanket provided by this lady who was kind as could be!
We’d run by roadways together. Smelling, snorting in Continue reading
ANGELINA, little Teacher
ANGELINA, little Teacher
I entered Grande parlour of elegance where is placed bronze statue unique
Beside wide patio glass-paneled doors. “Shipped from Italy,†her Owner’s critique
Stepping closer, my curious nature sees child’s form, perhaps five, plus one
Clad poor, feet bare, head downcast. Continue reading
Barefoot on the Beach
Billowed, vast ocean, immeasurable seashore sand
Whispers beloved couple’s big dreams wondrously grand
Visions held in their hearts shared alone with God Continue reading
It’s never too late to say "I do" Paul & Fern, 83 and 96 years old find love. VIDEO
Also could be titled “96-year-old woman robs the cradle by wedding much younger 83-year-old manâ€
It only takes about two seconds to say “I do.” The only thing is that sometimes it takes a lifetime to find the person you want to say it to.
That was the case for 96-year-old Fern Schurr and 83-year-old Paul Tredo. As far as love is concerned, they tied the knot with plenty of time to spare.
“We used to eat meals together all the time, then suddenly Continue reading
Here’s a beautiful poem by Terri Foss, of Washburn, WI.
Where can I find the words to heal the sadness and the pain that has touched your heart.
When words are not enough to say, my heart will speak in many ways. I believe our lives are as God intended them to be.
Although we don’t understand his ways when times feel so unfair, try to remember God will always be there.
All your loved ones from above will guide you with their love. For someday you will see together you all will be.
Terri Foss
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