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Winter’s almost here, update on my new book in progress.

I’m feeling elated about my new book, filled with poems about 45 beautiful dolls and their interesting and magical stories. Winter is coming in the Northland and I have completed 28 of them so far, so I’m on my way!

Progress has been slowed because I broke my arm and ultimately needed surgery. As a complication of the surgery I have nerve damage, less mobility and it has greatly effected my writing. One must move on however, and the writing shall continue.

On the brighter side, my grandson Brad just too me and my daughter Julie to see the movie Downton Abbey. I watched the series and I read the book so I was really looking forward to seeing this movie and I was not disappointed.

Think happy thoughts, I will write again soon my friends.

Imelda 🦋

Imelda Dickinson Personolly Yours Too Butterfly Doll