- Ineluctable Invitation. A free-form vignette by Brad Saint George
- Prismed Prisons. A poem about a wife visiting her husband in prison.
- Snowflakes are the Butterflies of Winter. A beautiful poem by Gemma Davies.
- A Cozy Iowa Winter.
- Sweet Nectar Symphony
- Personolly Yours Too is now available!
- Majesty
- My latest book is complete and here comes Spring!
- 2020 Winter injury update
- Winter’s almost here, update on my new book in progress.
- Update on my second book; “Personolly Yours Too”
- Spring on it’s way to the north land after a very snowy winter
- Update on my second book.
- Double cataract surgery. Recovering well!
- Superior author, 87, keeps up gardening, teaching and helping people.
- Let’s meet! Monday April 2nd 2018 St. Cloud Public Library
- Winter storm in the Northland, feeling inspired.
- Think Spring!
- Good news about my wrist!
- A doll of a poetic tale
- Lovely sunny day in the Northland
- Tonight I attended the “Ask a Published Author” event at the Duluth Public Library.
- Happy Thanksgiving All!
- My first book signing!
- I’M PUBLISHED! Feb 6th, 2017
- Candid photos of me while I’m at work.
- Book’s done, looking for publisher, spoke with Emily Dickinson museum.
- A Carpenter’s carpenter
- Haiku Reflections
- “A Spirit Visited” A poem about loss of son.
- Patches
- “Let not thy breath”
- “To a Friend” a poem of appreciation
- ANGELINA, little Teacher
- Barefoot on the Beach
- Poem about loss of a child.
- “Summer Surprise”
- “Today Sleeps”
- “Daydreams”
- “A Spirit Visited” poem about loss of son.
Art Beauty Bee Bible Blog Book Bugs Butterflies Creation Death Dolls Emily Dickinson Family God Health Honey Husband Imelda Dickinson Insects Loss love Macabre Mistakes Nature News Northland Patriotism Personally Yours Too Personolly Yours Too Poetry Prison Relationship Sadness Scripture Snow Snowflakes Spiders Spring Today Sleeps Tranquil Update VIDEO Wife Winter Writing
2020 Winter injury update
Last November, I slipped while working in my sewing room, I went to a doctor who ordered X-rays. Let me tell you, I don’t want to go through that again, it was very painful and stressful.
Now I have 4 fractured vertebrae and had to be treated in two different hospitals which resulted in my being in a nursing home for two weeks.
Now I’m back home but I need to wear a large medical back brace for at least 3 months. The brace is very helpful, it helps me to sit up and walk straight.
I miss working on my book, the doctor tells me I should take a break from it for at least 3 months, as my back would be curved if I was working on my laptop for extended periods of time. So unfortunately, I’m taking an unwanted break from my writing. Luckily, I was already half finished with my book before my accident.
My daughter Julie has been with me continuously from the beginning of this whole ordeal. All of this and she is also taking care of my sister-in-law Liz. I’m staying with my grandson Bradley right now and he is taking such good care of me. I am very loved.
Think Spring! My little birds and squirrels fight over control of my bird feeders on the deck, it’s fun to watch.
Think Happy Thoughts!

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